The Art area at Kellogg Community College is designed to assist students interested in expanding their creativity and skills in the visual arts. The art curriculum is designed to create a strong foundation for students planning on transferring to a four-year program, or for those seeking an occupational degree in areas such as Photography/ Multimedia or Graphic Design. Classes range from studio art courses in areas such as drawing or photography, to lecture-based courses such as art history or art appreciation. Faculty members are dedicated to assisting students in portfolio development and providing unique learning opportunities.
- Click here to view descriptions of KCC Art courses
- Click here to view the courses required for KCC’s Art Enrichment Certificate
Art League
This club is open to all students interested in expanding their knowledge of visual art. A variety of activities outside the classroom are offered to encourage greater art appreciation by the members. The Art League is directly involved with planning the annual Student Art Exhibition and assisting in art selections for KCC’s Mosaic magazine. In addition, the club usually sponsors a charter bus trip to Chicago every year.
Eleanor R. & Robert A. DeVries Gallery
Located in the Davidson Visual and Performing Arts Center, the Eleanor R. & Robert A. DeVries Gallery features several visual art exhibitions each year. Exhibitions range from professional group and solo shows to the annual KCC Student Art Exhibition held every spring. Exhibits are free and open to the public and gallery hours during the fall and spring semesters are Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Art on Campus
The Art on Campus program assists in the purchase and display of artworks for KCC’s permanent collection. New art pieces are added to the collection each year and a walking tour brochure is available in the Davidson Building office for the works currently on view throughout the North Avenue campus. The Art on Campus program began in 2004 with the help of the Eleanor and Robert DeVries Art Fund.
Advising & Transfer
View transfer guides outlining opportunities for students looking to transfer their KCC credits to a four-year institution. Contact Academic Advising at 269-965-4124 or advising@kellogg.edu to schedule an appointment to plot a personal transfer plan.
KCC Student Art and Literary Magazine
Art Contacts