The Center for Student Success at Kellogg Community College offers a variety of face-to-face and virtual tutoring services for students in Ohm 207 on the North Avenue campus in Battle Creek. Other subjects are available by request.

Instructional assistants are available for one-on-one tutoring appointments Monday through Friday. Please schedule your tutoring session if possible; we also welcome walk-in appointments. For virtual appointments, students will receive virtual meeting information at least one hour before the scheduled appointment through KCC email.

Questions about tutoring may be directed to the Center for Student Success at tutoring@kellogg.edu or 269-660-7722 or to Jeff Houldsworth, peer tutoring coordinator, at 269-565-7891 or houldsworthj@kellogg.edu.

Summer 2024 Tutoring Schedule (5/13-8/5)

We are Closed on Fridays in June/July

Schedule and contacts listed below. If you need additional tutoring, please fill out our tutoring request form and we will connect you with a tutor.

Virtual: By Request, Meeting Access
Ronda Falknor (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person:
 T 5:00pm-8:00pm (w/Andrew, Swartz 104) Walk-Ins Welcome!
In Person: W 1:00-5:00pm (w/Kathleen, Ohm 207) Walk-Ins Welcome!
By Request
Contact: Andrew Martin (martina@kellogg.edu), Kathleen Murphy (murphyk@kellogg.edu)

In Person: M-Th 8:00am-12pm & 1-5:00pm, Walk-Ins Welcome (Ohm 207 w/Allison)
In Person: T 5-8pm, Walk-Ins Welcome (Swartz 104 w/Andrew)
Contact: Allison Reed, Andrew Martin (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person: M 9am-1:30pm, T/Th 8am-1pm, W 3:30-6pm (w/Cassie, O-207) Walk-Ins Welcome!
Virtual: By Request
Contact: Cassandra Simison (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person: M 10am-3pm & 4:30-6pm (Ohm 207)
Contact: Emilee Janz (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person:
M/Th 8am-5pm, T/W 8am-6pm, Walk-Ins Welcome! (Ohm 207), Schedule Appointment
Virtual: M-TH 8:30am-4pm Schedule Appointment
Contact: onlinewritinglab@kellogg.edu
Submit an Essay for Review

Available By Request
Contact: tutoring@kellogg.edu

In Person:M-Th 8:00am-1pm & 2-5pm, Walk-Ins Welcome (Ohm 207 w/Allison)
Contact: Allison Reed (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person:
M-Th 8:00am-6pm, Walk-Ins Welcome! (Ohm 207), Schedule Appointment
Virtual: M-TH 8:30am-4:30pm, Schedule Appointment
Contact: Natalie Hammond (hammondn@kellogg.edu), Sarah Imus (imuss@kellogg.edu)

In Person: W 1pm-5pm, (w/Kathleen Murphy, Ohm 207)
In Person: T/Th 10am-2pm, May 21, 23; June 4, 6, 18, 20; July 7, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25
Contact: Kathleen Murphy (murphyk@kellogg.edu)
Virtual: By Request
Contact: Linda Wetherbee (wetherbeel@kellogg.edu)

In Person:
M 10am-3:00pm (Emilee), T/Th 12-4pm, W 9am-1pm (Miriam), O 207
Contact: Emilee Janz, Miriam Rowles (tutoring@kellogg.edu) 
Virtual: By Request
Contact: Tom Rose (roset@kellogg.edu)

In Person: M-Th 8:00am-1pm & 2-5:00pm, Walk-Ins Welcome (Ohm 207)
Contact: Allison Reed (tutoring@kellogg.edu)

In Person:
M/W 9am-2:00pm, Ohm 207, Schedule Appointment, Walk-Ins welcome!
Contact: Courtney Gibbons (gibbonsc@kellogg.edu)


Access through the Bruin Portal


The Center for Student Success at Kellogg Community College offers a variety of face-to-face and virtual tutoring services for students in Ohm 207 on the North Avenue campus in Battle Creek. Other subjects are available by request.

Instructional assistants are available for one-on-one tutoring appointments Monday through Friday. Please schedule your tutoring session if possible; we also welcome walk-in appointments. For virtual appointments, students will receive virtual meeting information at least one hour before the scheduled appointment through KCC email.

In the event of a campus closure, virtual tutoring will not be available through the Center for Student Success. Students can still access NetTutor 24/7 through the KCC Web Portal when the college is closed.


What Is Tutoring?

Tutoring is individualized assistance from a qualified peer or professional who obtained a level of competency in the subject area.


When to Request a Tutor

  • Discuss course concerns with your instructor
  • After following suggestions, request a tutor if you still need help
  • If your instructor recommends tutoring, request a tutor

Tutoring Policy

  • You must be a KCC student
  • You must be currently enrolled in the class you are requesting tutoring for
  • You must have met course prerequisites
  • You must have attended class regularly
  • You must have talked with your instructor (to provide the best assistance, we may also contact your instructor)
  • Weekly tutoring hours may not exceed total credit hours of the course
  • If you miss two tutoring sessions without prior notification, your tutoring will be canceled
  • Behavior problems may result in termination of tutoring services
  • All tutoring MUST take place in a public setting
  • We will do our best to accommodate all requests; it is important to note that not all tutoring is done one-on-one, and that you may also be in a session with more than one student in the same course

Become a peer tutor

request a tutor

Submit an Essay for Review